Dr. Erika “Ann” Jeschke, PhD is currently working with the Air Force Research Lab, the Army Institute for Surgical Research, and Navy Medical Research unit on a program of research to develop a broader understanding of the impact of catastrophic injury exposure on various forward surgical trauma teams in the United States Military. The goal of this research is to develop a theory of performance for trauma medicine that is framed by culturally sensitive and salient attributes of well-being. She also serves as an ethics consultant to Special Operations Medicine Prolonged Field Care Working Group and is a Fellow at the University of Chicago MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics. Her research is grounded in the following question: What does it mean to care amidst violence? Relying on medical humanities and anthropology, she seeks to expand the medical context of caring beyond the clinical context and physician patient dyad to include communal healing rituals as a means of restoring social identity and social justice after experiences of collective trauma.
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